British Columbia

Metro Vancouver

Metro Vancouver produces "The Sustainable Region" and city council; formerly distributed on the Vancouver Shaw community channel but not online only.

Online community TV from New Westminster, BC

TriCities Community Television

Community TV serving the municipalities of Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam and Port Moody

National Zero Waste Council at Globe 2014

Speech or Presentation / 1:41:31 / National Zero Waste Council Members

Waste generation – ranging from food to packaging and beyond – is one of Canada's leading economic and environmental challenges facing cities across the country. A Special Session at Globe 2014 offers a thought-provoking discussion on how businesses and governments in Canada, the UK and other countries are addressing concerns over waste, the difficulties in moving a waste prevention and circular economy agenda forward, and the many creative and bold opportunities on the horizon. Canada's National Zero Waste Council is a leadership initiative bringing together individuals and organizations in government, businesses, industry and the community sector who innovate, inspire, demonstrate best practices, or advance a waste prevention agenda in Canada by encouraging design and behavior change. March 28, 2014.

For more information about this show, contact

The Community TV Trade in Canada

This is a community television history extending from West Kootenay Television in 1971 through ICTV in East Vancouver in 1997 up to Campbell River being taken over by Shaw in 2009. The Kelowna CRTC hearing where C.M.E.S. Community Media Education Society applied to provide independent volunteer-oriented channels in BC and Alberta, after TELUS said it did not plan to offer community programming, is covered in detail.

CMES Community Media Education Society

CMES analyzes community TV and media policy. It was formed in association with ICTV which is the former VanEast neighbourhood community TV office in Vancouver. ICTV produces several shows including the interview series, After Hours.

Chetwynd Community TV (CHET TV)

Combined radio and TV service serving Chetwynd and Dawson Creek

ICTV Independent Community Television Cooperative

offer training and equipment for the production of television that reflects the local community. ICTV offers a place for voices and ideas that are excluded from the commercial and public broadcast systems. ICTV programming airs on Shaw Cable 4 in the Lower Mainland.

Ash-Creek Television Society

Contact: David Durksen Distributes OTA as well as giving their feed to Copper Valley cable. Airs a community bulletin text service, local business sponsorship messages, council meetings, election coverage, and special events such as car rallies, parades. No paid staff.


working TV is a labour television program broadcast weekly on community access television in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Between 1995 and 1998 the Vision network broadcast 30 of our shows to a national audience across Canada. We are also broadcast on other community access stations across Canada and the United States, and ( at least once! ) on a kibbutz in Israel. Programs have been translated and screened in Korea and soon, in Japan. We have been on air since May 1 1993 and produce regular weekly half hour programs as well as longer programs for broadcast during special events. Several of our productions have won awards.