Become an Individual Non-Voting Member

To become an individual non-voting member, you can either:

1) Make out a cheque to the Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations and send it to:

177 Route Principale Est
La Pêche
J0X 2W0

The cheque should be in the amount of $10 for your membership plus any additional amount that you would like to donate. On the back of the cheque, write the e-mail address that you would like to use to receive CACTUS news and to log on to the CACTUS site to participate in on-line fora.


2) Send an e-mail transfer to CACTUS' Executive Director at cathy at timescape dot ca


3) Click the button below to pay through Paypal, where you should enter $10 for your membership, plus any additional amount that you would like to direct to CACTUS as a donation.

You do not have to become a Paypal member to use this option. Your information will not be retained by Paypal, and there is no surcharge.

When we receive your membership fee by any of these routes, we will e-mail you to let you know that your membership is active.

Note that CACTUS does not yet (and may never) have tax-exempt charitable status, so we cannot issue you with a tax receipt if part of your payment is a donation.

Thanks for your support!